ABB Symphony Plus Client Interface Configuration

1 Menu and toolbar builder

S+ provides a default menu and tool-bar configuration.
ABB Symphony Plus Client Interface Configuration
The Menu and Tool-bar builder defines the structure of menus and icons in the global function area:
ABB Symphony Plus Client Interface Configuration
Database builder processes the fields of each item to be configured in the S+ according to the definitions of the cross-reference, the Menu and Tool-bar . Each item is identified by a name.
The database of menù is located into:
“…\ProgramData\ABB Symphony Plus\Operations\SV1.0\config\menu” folder.
Example: To add a button to calculator and links to display
Open the file MenuA.dbf, than copy and paste a row already configured to call an executable program, than set the name of the program to start and the icon, than build using syssetup the excel file :
ABB Symphony Plus Client Interface Configuration
Open the file MenuA.dbf, than copy and paste a row already configured to call a display, than set the name of the display to open and the level in the tree, than build using syssetup the excel file :
ABB Symphony Plus Client Interface Configuration
Remember that the database area must be upgraded to include new items, then build xls (or dbf) files using syssetup. After building we can see the results :
ABB Symphony Plus Client Interface ConfigurationABB Symphony Plus Client Interface Configuration
And the display tree :

2 Alarm list builder

The Alarm Group builder defines the alarm grouping. S+ has a default configuration consisting of 16 main alarm groups and 16 sub-groups associated to each main group.
S+ allows user configuring of a great number of different formats to display and print an event according to alarm category definition.
ABB Symphony Plus Client Interface Configuration
Define the tree structure of alarm groups.
The database of alarm group is located into:
“…\ProgramData\ABB Symphony Plus\Operations\SV1.0\config\almgr” folder.
ABB Symphony Plus Client Interface Configuration
In the previous picture we can see that ALM1 (level 1) contains the ALM 2 and 3 (level 2), ALM4 (level 1) contains ALM 5 and 6 (level 2), after building we can see the result in the following picture :
ABB Symphony Plus Client Interface Configuration
The configuration can be done also in Online mode, by using the IbdBase tool.
ABB Symphony Plus Client Interface Configuration

3 Client/Server Configuration

The priority and the status of the servers at which a client might connect is defined in the CSMoniConf tool, and it can be launched from Start->Run but also from the right click menu of the PwMonitor indication icon from the taskbar.
ABB Symphony Plus Client Interface Configuration

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