ABB System 800xA Using Data in an Instrument Sheet

Use a blank Excel sheet to see how easy information integration is achieved in an 800xA system.Integrate dynamic data from the Aspect Directory using the Document Manager and Parameter Manager functions.
Create a Document aspect on the object “Sxx_LT1” and name it “Instrument Sheet”.
ABB System 800xA Using Data in an Instrument Sheet
Link a “Blank Excel” sheet as template by right-clicking the new aspect and selecting“Set File” from the context menu.
ABB System 800xA Using Data in an Instrument Sheet
Choose the file template “Blank Excel Workbook”.
ABB System 800xA Using Data in an Instrument Sheet
Edit the document.
ABB System 800xA Using Data in an Instrument Sheet
Layout a basic form in Excel that looks something like this:
ABB System 800xA Using Data in an Instrument Sheet
Right-Click in the cell D1 and select “Property Reference” -> “Insert” from the context menu.
ABB System 800xA Using Data in an Instrument Sheet
Select the Name variable value from the “Function Block” aspect.
ABB System 800xA Using Data in an Instrument Sheet
Add property references for:
– Minimum (Function Block:In.Parameters.Min)
– Maximum (Function Block:In.Parameters.Max)
– Actual Value (Function Block:Out).
ABB System 800xA Using Data in an Instrument Sheet
Start the batch process sequence and observe the changes on the Excel sheet. Right click in a cell and select “Property Reference” -> “Update all” as desired to read new values.
ABB System 800xA Using Data in an Instrument Sheet

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