EXPERION PKS To Set Up Microsoft Excel Data Exchange

  1. Log on to the computer using a Windows account local administrator rights.
  2. Choose Start and type msc in the search box.

The Local Security Policy window appears.

  1. Expand the Local Policies item and then click on the User Rights Assignment
  2. Double-click on the Deny log on locally

The Deny log on locally Properties window appears.

  1. Click the Local Servers item and then click Remove.
  2. Click OK.
  3. Close the Local Security Policy
  4. “Logoff and Logon as MNGR”
  5. In Windows Explorer, browse to the C:\Program Files\Honeywell\Experion PKS\client\xldataex
  6. Right-click on the excel reports.reg file, and choose Merge. If prompted, enter password for and run as Windows Admin
  7. Close Windows Explorer
  8. Choose Start > Run.

The Run dialog box appears.

  1. In the Open box, type the following:

“C:\Program Files\Honeywell\Experion PKS\client\xldataex\activatemede.vbs”

Alternatively, double click on ‘activatemede.vbs’ in the location

C:\Program Files\Honeywell\Experion PKS\client\xldataex\

The Microsoft Office installation application may start.

Click OK – Enter MNGR password if prompted – (ignore any failure to write to log errors)

  1. Start Microsoft Excel if not already started
  2. Choose Start > Run.

The Run dialog box appears.

  1. In the Open box, type the following:

runas /user:mngr “<folder_to_excel_executable>\excel.exe”

and then click OK.

For Office 2007, where the default installation folder is C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\excel.exe, you would type:

runas /user:mngr “C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\excel.exe”

  1. If prompted, complete the details in any Microsoft Excel dialog boxes, such as typing the user name and initials, and selecting the help and Windows update options.
  2. Choose Office Icon > Excel Options.

The Excel Options window appears.

  1. ClickTrust Center.
  2. ClickTrust Center Settings.

The Trust Center window appears.

  1. Click Medium and click OK.
  2. Click on the Disable all macros without notification option button.
  3. Click OK to close the Trust Center
  4. Click OK to close the Excel Options window
  5. Click Add-Ins – Uncheck all possible check boxes
  6. “Click ‘Add-ins’ and confirm that MEDE is listed under ‘Active Application Add-ins’; add if necessary under Manage Excel Add-ins, GO”
  7. Logoff and Logon using Windows account local administrator rights.
  8. Choose Start and type msc in the search box.
  9. The Local Security Policy window appears.
  10. Expand the Local Policies item and then click on the User Rights Assignment
  11. Double-click on the Deny log on locally

The Deny log on locally Properties window appears.

  1. Click Add User or Group.

The Select Users, Computers, Service Accounts, or Groups window appears.

  1. Click Locations.

The Locations window appears.

  1. In the Location list, select the computer name, and then click OK.
  2. Click Object Types.

The Object Types window appears.

  1. Select the Groups check box and click OK.
  2. In the Enter the object names to select box, type Local Servers.
  3. Click Check Names and ensure that the name can be resolved.
  4. Click OK.
  5. Click OK to close the Deny log on locally Properties
  6. Close the Local Security Policy

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