ABB Symphony Plus Assign a Scanner for the Tags in the Database

To command and see the situation of the scanners running on a machine please launch the ScanMonitor tool from the bin folder of S+ Operations in Program Files, or Start->Run->ScanMonitor and press Run. You should see a windows like the one below:
ABB Symphony Plus Assign a Scanner for the Tags in the Database
By clicking from the toolbar on the General Configuration button and after that the Configured driver instances option from the list we are able to see the configured driver instances:
ABB Symphony Plus Assign a Scanner for the Tags in the Database
Each configurable option is defined in the Scanner Manual.
Each Tag can be assigned to be updated by a certain defined scanner. Now we will use the IbdBase tool in order to add or delete the FIELD_DRV attribute, in other words to assign or un-assign a scanner for one or more tags.
1. Launch the IbdBase tool;
2. Select the Tag Data Base from the left tree;
3. Click on the Filter button arrow from the toolbar and select Manage Columns option from the list;
4. Select the FIELD_DRV attribute to be visible; Hint: you can sort alphabetically the lists;
5. Modify the FIELD_DRV attribute for one main tag and propagate it using Copy/Paste to other Tags; Hint:
the information about the used scanner for a tag can be seen also by double clicking on a Tag (Configure mode) and select the Acquisition Tab;
ABB Symphony Plus Assign a Scanner for the Tags in the Database
6. Save and Refresh;
7. Take a look at the new Tag Database and you will see that the modified tags will not be updated anymore by our scanner.

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