PLC Programming Practice-Mitsubishi PLC


Mitsubishi PLC series


  1. FX-1S PLC
  2. FX-1N PLC
  3. FX-2N PLC
  4. FX-3U PLC


  • FX-3G PLC
  • FX5U PLC

Mitsubishi PLC wiring configuration

Mitsubishi PLC wiring configuration

PLC and their programming software

PLC Software
Q series GT developer
FX series GX works2
FX5U GX Works3

Mitsubishi communication protocols

  1. USB cable
  2. Ethernet

Addressing for ladder logic programming

Input (X) : Inputs are designed to give commands and data from external devices,
e.g. pushbuttons, select switches, etc., to the PLC
Output (Y): Outputs are used to provide the control results of a program from the  PLC to external devices, e.g. solenoids, signal lamps
Internal relays (M): Internal relays are auxiliary relays used in a CPU module and  not latched
Latch relays (L) : Latch relays are auxiliary relays used in a CPU module and
latched (backed up at power failure)
Addressing for ladder logic programming
● Addressing of inputs and outputs is in Octal (X0-X7, X10-X17)
● Addressing for both inputs and outputs start at 0 (X0 and Y0)
● Addressing is consecutive
● If input/output powered extension units/blocks have been connected when the power is turned on, the main unit automatically assigns the input/output numbers (X/Y) (octal) to the units/blocks.
● Therefore, it is unnecessary to specify the input/output numbers with parameters.

Digital signal programming

Digital signal programming
We have chosen FX3U PLC in which digital inputs start from X00, X01, X02, X03, X04, X05, X07, X10, X11….
And outputs start from Y00, Y01,Y02,Y03,Y04,Y05,Y06,Y07,Y10,Y11…

Rising / Falling pulse instructions

  1. Rising pulse

Rising pulse
● True for one scan on up transition at address
● Operating a lamp from a push button
● When a push button is pressed the first time a lamp will glow. When a push button is pressed a second time a lamp will turn off.
Operating a lamp from a push button

  1. Falling pulse

Falling pulse
● True for one scan on the down transition at address

Use of a timer

Use of a timer
Use of a timer
Use of a timer

Use of counter

Use of counter
● It is also an output instruction
● Counter is retentive
● Reset instruction is used to reset it
● 16/32 bit counters available
● Understand the following:
● –Preset: Constants or Register
● –Accumulator: Current status of the counter, use the address  of Counter Device
● –Contact or Done bit: Can be accessed using the address  of Counter Device
Use of counter
Direction control M8### for C###
For C200 , M8200 is used to control the direction
Use of counter 2

Math instructions

Math instructions

Compare instructions

● Instruction compares two data and results in a true or false condition
● It can be used with other sequence instructions
● All instructions are input instructions except CMP which is an output  instruction
● Compare instructions are available to compare
16-bit data
32-bit data
INLINE  comparisons
INLINE  comparisons
INLINE  comparisons
INLINE  comparisons
The data of S1 is compared to the data  of S2. The result is indicated by 3 bit  devices specified from the head address  entered as D.
The bit devices indicate:
–S2 is less than S1 – bit device D is ON
–S2 is equal to S1 – bit device D+1 is ON
–S2 is greater than S1 – bit device  D+2 is ON
Try other variations like DCMP
CP Instruction
● A single data value (S) is compared against a data range (S1-S2)
● S is less than S1,  bit device D is ON
● S is equal to or between S1 and S2 – bit device D+1 is ON
● S is greater than S2 – bit device D+2 is ON

Move, jump, and logical instructions

  1. Move instruction

Move instruction
Move instruction
Move instruction

Analog signals

Analog signals
Two types:
● Special Adapter (Left hand side )

● Special Function modules (Right Hand Side)

  1. Special Adapter

● Always connected on left side of PLC
● Up to four no. of adapter can be connected
● The expansion board is needed to connect the special adapter
● To use the high-speed input/output special adapter, be sure to connect the  high-speed input/output special adapter first, and then connect the analog  special adapter
● No need to use the traditional To/From instructions to configure and  operate.
● The input analog data will be converted into digital data and then stored  in the special devices of the FX Series PLC.
● The number of averaging time and the input mode to be specified
● Special auxiliary relays (10 points) and special data registers (10 points)  are assigned starting from the adapter nearest the main unit
● Analog  special  adapter  nearest  the  main  unit  is  counted  as  the  1st adapter, and the next adapter as the 2nd adapter, and so on
● Do  not  include  the  high  speed  input/output  special  adapter  and  the communication special adapter
Input characteristics

Voltage Input


Current Input




2.5mV (10V/4000)


10µA (16mA/1600)


Conversion time


200 micro sec per channel The data will be updated every scan time
Input Characteristics Voltage Input Current Input

● It is a four channels analog input adapter
● Current or voltage inputs or combination of both.
● Up to four Adapter (including analog outputs also) can be used with FX 3U PLC as shown.
● Converted data of each channel will be automatically written in the special
data register of the FX3U/FX3UC Series PLC.
Assignment of data registers and  bit devices are as shown.
Analog sensors’ wiring with FX3U-4AD-ADP adapter

Device Function Status
M8260 Input mode of channel 1; ON=Current Input, OFF=Voltage Input Read / Write
M8261 Input mode of channel 2; ON=Current Input, OFF=Voltage Input Read / Write
M8262 Input mode of channel 3; ON=Current Input, OFF=Voltage Input Read / Write
M8263 Input mode of channel 4; ON=Current Input, OFF=Voltage Input Read / Write
D8260 Channel-1 input data Read
D8261 Channel-2 input data Read
D8262 Channel-3 input data Read
D8263 Channel-4 input data Read
D8264 Number of averaging time for channel-1 (Setting range: 1 to 4095) Read / Write
D8265 Number of averaging time for channel-2 (Setting range: 1 to 4095) Read / Write
D8266 Number of averaging time for channel-3 (Setting range: 1 to 4095) Read / Write
D8267 Number of averaging time for channel-4 (Setting range: 1 to 4095) Read / Write
D8268 Error status Read / Write
D8269 Model code Read


  1. Special fuction module

Special fuction module
● The FX2N-8AD analog input block converts 8 points of analog input values into digital values and transfers them to the PLC.
● Connect the special function block to the right side of the FX3U Series PLC
● Up to 8 special function blocks can be connected
● To/From instructions are required to interface

Other instructions

  1. Zone Reset  Instruction :ZRST

● It is used to reset a range of addresses.
● The arguments can be bit or word devices
Zone Reset Instruction :ZRST

  1. Master Control Instruction

● It is an output instruction
● It activates or deactivates the execution of  a group or zone of ladder rungs
● Nesting pointer is used with MC
● Nesting Range: N0 to N7
● Third  argument  is  bit  device  which  is turned on if MC is enabled
● It is always followed with MCR instruction
● MCR ends the zone or group of rungs

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